| 划词

No one matches him when it comes to swimming.

谈到游泳, 没有人比


He’s all thumbs when it comes to fixing machines.



When it comes to talking about patriotism, he’s an extremist.

一谈到爱国主义, 偏激。


Dorothy is no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing her views.



Be hyperconservative when it comes to downside risk, hyperaggressive when it comes to opportunities that cost you very little.




encyclopaedic, encyclopaedism, encyclopaedist, encyclopedia, encyclopedic, encyclopedical, encyclopedicdictionary, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, encyclopedize, encyesis, encyopyelitis, encyst, encystation, encysted, encystment, encytosis, end, end in, end organ, end plate, end point, end product, end to end, end up, end with, end-absorption, end-all, endamage, endangeitis, endanger, endangered, endangered species, endaortitis, endarch, end-around, endarterectomy, endarteritis, endarterium, end-artery, endash, end-blown, end-body, endbrain, end-brush, ENDCAP, end-condition, end-consumer, end-contraction, end-correction, endear, endearing, endearment, endeavor, endeavour, end-effector, endeiolite, endellionite, endellite, endemia, endemic, endemic disease, endemic typhus, endemical, endemically, endemicity, endemism, endemy, endenite, end-equipment, Enderby Land, endergonic, endermic, Enders, endexine, end-fatigue, end-fed, end-feet, end-flake, end-frame, endgame, endgate, endhand, endian, Endicott, ending, endiometer, endistance, endite, endive, endives, end-journal, endlap, endleaf, endless, endlessly, endless-ringlock, endlong, end-loss, endmarker, endmost, endnote, endnotes, end-nucleus, endo-, endoadaptation, endoangiitis, endoarteritis, endoascospore, endoascus, endobasidium, endobatholithic, endobiont, endobiosis, endobiotic, endoblast, endoblastic, endocamphene, endocardiac, endocardial, endocardiectomy, endocarditis, endocardium, endocarp, endocaryogamy, endocast, endocellular, endocentric, endocervix, endochnia, endochnion, endochondral, endo-chordo-mesoblast, endochyme, endocoele, endocommensal, endocomplement, endoconch, endocone, endo-configuration, endoconid, endoconidium, endoconulid, endocorpus, endocranial, endocranium, endocrine, endocrine gland, endocrine system, endocrinology, endocrinopathic, endocrinopathy, endocrinosis, endocrinotherapy, endocritic, endocuticle, endocyanosis, endocyclic, endocyst, endocytic, endocytose, endocytosis, endoderm, endodermis, endodiathermy, endodontia, endodontic, endodontics, endodontist, endodontology, endoduplication, endodyocyte, endodyogeny, endoenzyme, endo-erepsin, endoergic, endoergicity, endoerythrocytic, endo-exocrine, endofauna, end-of-block, end-of-dayglass, end-of-encode, end-of-file, end-of-line, endoflora, end-of-medium, end-of-message, endo-form, end-of-tape, endogamic, endogamous, endogamy, endogastric, endogen, endogenesis, endogenetic, endogenic, endogenote, endogenous, endogeny, endoglobular, endo-intoxication, endolaser, endolithic, endolithion, endolobopodium, endolymph, endolymphatichydrops, endolysin, endolysis, endomeninx, endometamorphism, endometria, endometrial, endometrial cancer, endometrial carcinoma, endometriosis, endometritis, endometrium, endomitosis, endomixis, endomomental, endomorph, endomorphic, endomorphism, endomycin, endomycopsis, endomycorrhiza, endomyocarditis, endomysium, end-on, end-on-courses, endonephritis, endoneuritis, endoneurium, endonexine, endonuclear, endonuclease, endonucleolytic, endoparasite, endoparasitism, endopelos, endopeptidase, endoperoxide, endophagous, endophasia, endophilic, endophlebitis, endophloem, endophloic, endophotocoagulation, endophragmalis, endophthalmitis, endophthalmos, endophyllous, endophyte, endophytes, endopinacocyte, endoplasm, endoplast, endopleura, endoploidy, endopod, endopodite, endopolygeny, endopolyploid, endopolyploidy, endoporus, endoproct, endoprosthesis, endopsammon, endopsychic, ENDOR, endoradiosonde, endoradiosonds, endoreduplication, endorphin, ENDORS, endorsable, endorse, endorsed, endorsee, endorsement, endorsement in blank, endorser, endorsor, endosarc, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, endoseptum, endosexine, endosiphoblade, endosiphocone, endosiphon, endosiphuncle, endosite, endosity, endoskeletal, endoskeleton, endosmometer, endosmose, endosmosis, endosmosis-mose, endosmotic, endosoma, endosome, endosperm, endospermous, endosphere, endospore, endosporium, endosporous, endosporulation, endosprit, endostea, endosteal, endosternite, endosteum, endostomium, endostosis, endostracum, endostyle, endosulfan, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, endotesta, endotheca, endothecium, endothelial, endothelin, endothelioid, endothelioma, endothelio-rhabdomyoma, endothelium, endotherm, endothermal, endothermic, endothermic reaction, endothermy, endothrix, endotoky, endotoxemia, endotoxin, endotrachea, endotracheal, endotracheal tube, endotracheitis, endotrophic, endotunica, endourology, endovibrator, endow, endowed, endowmenfpolicy, endowment, endowment fund, endowment insurance, endozoic, endpaper, end-piece, endplate, endplay, end-play, end-pleasure, endpoint, end-point, end-post, end-process, end-product, end-pumping, end-racking, end-result, endrin, ends, endshield, endstone, end-stop, end-stopped, end-stopper, endsville, end-time, end-to-end, endue, endurable, endurably, enduracidin, endurance, endurant, endure, endured, endures, enduring, enduringly, enduro, End-User, endvertex, endville, endwall, end-wastage, endways, endwise, endy, endyma, Endymion, ENE, ENEA, eneastylos, enecation, enechema, enecia, enelectrolysis, enelone, enema, enemas, enemies, enemy, enepidermic, energesis, energetic, energetically, energetics, energic, energico, energicstage, energid, energise, energism, energize, energizer, energon, energumen, energy, energy content, energy level, energy state, energy-delivering, energy-hungry, energyintensive, energy-loss-time, energy-magnitude, energy-probe, energy-valley, enervate, enervated, enervation, enervious, enervis, eneurosis, eneyne, enface, enfant, enfant terrible, enfeeble, enfeeblement, enfeoff, enfeoffment, enfetter, enfever, Enfield, enfilade, enfin, enflame, enfleurage, enflower, enflurane, enfold, enforce, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enforcer, enframe, enfranchise, enfranchisement, ENG, Engadine, engadinite, engage, engagé, engage in, engaged, engagement, engagement ring, engaging, engaging-in, engagingly, engaging-out, engarb, engarcon, engarland, engastrius, Engel, engelhardite, Engelmann spruce, Engels, engender, engild, engine, engine block, engine driver, engine room, engine-building, engined, engine-drive, engine-driven, engine-driver, engineer, engineer-in-chief, engineering, engineership, engineman, engineroom, enginery, engine-scope, engird, engirdle, englacial, England, Englander, English, English Channel, English Cocker Spaniel, English horn, English ivy, English language, English muffin, English Revolution, English setter, English springer spaniel, English system, English teacher, English toy spaniel, English walnut, English yew, English-Chinese, Englisher, Englishism, Englishize, Englishman, Englishmen, Englishment, Englishness, Englishry, English-speaking, Englishwoman, englobe, englobement, englut, engobe, engorge, engorged, engorgement, engraft, engrail, engrailed, engrain, engrained, engram, engramme, engrammic, engraphia, engraphy, engrave, engraved, engraver, engraving, engross, engrossed, engrossing, engrossment, engulf, enhalo, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancer, enhancive, enhancosome, enhanser, enhanson, enharmonic, enhearten, enhemospore, enhydrite, enhydrofungin, enhydrous, ENI, ENIAC, Enid, Enide, enigma, enigmas, enigmatic, enigmatical, enigmatite, enigmatize, enimization, eniotypy, Enisei, enisle, enissophobia, Eniwetok, enjail, enjambement, enjambment, enjoin, enjoinder, enjoy, enjoy oneself, enjoyable, enjoyably, EnjoyIE, enjoyment, enkephalin, enkindle, ENL, enlace, enlacement, enlarge, enlarged, enlargement, enlarger, enlarging, enlighten, enlightened, enlightening, enlightenment, enlink, enlist, enlisted, enlisted man, enlistee, enlister, enlistment, enliven, enlogy, enmesh, enmeshed, enmity, ennation, ennaton, enndecane, ennead, enneagon, enneagynian, enneahedral, enneahedron, enneandrous, enneapetalous, enneaploidy, enneasepalous, enneastyle, enneastylos, enneasyllabic, enneasyllable, enneode, enneri, enniatin, ennilnilium, Ennis, Enniskillen, ennoble, ennomoclone, ennoyage, ennui, ennuple, ennuye, ennuyee, ENO, Enoch, enodal, enodis, enograph, enol, enolase, enolate, enolic, enolizability, enolization, enologist, enology, enomosphore, enomycin, enophite, enophthalmos, enophthalmus, enorganic, enormity, enormous, enormously, Enos, enoscope, enosis, enostosis, enough, enough to, enounce, Enovid, enow, enoxidase, enpara, enphytotic, enplane, enprint, enprint., ENPV, ENQ, enqueue, enquire, enquirer, enquires, enquiring, enquiringly, enquiry, ENR, enradin, enrage, enraged, enramada, enramycin, enrank, enrapt, enrapture, enravish, enregiment, enregister, enrich, enriched, enricher, enrichment, enrichmentmode, enrichment-system, Enrico, enring, enrobe, enrober, enrockment, enrol, enroll, enrolled, enrollee, enrollment, enrolment, enroot, enroute, ens, ENSA, ensample, ensanguine, ensanguined, ensate, Enschede, ensconce, enscroll, enseal, ensemble, Ensenada, ensepulcher, ensepulchre, enserf, ensheath, ensheathe, enshield, enshrine, enshrinement, enshroud, ENSI, ensialic, ensiform, ensiger, ensign, ensigncy, ensignship, ensilability, ensilage, ensile, ensiling, ensilo, ensimatic, ensisternum, ensky, enslave, Enslaved, enslavedness, enslavement, enslaver, ensnare, ensnarl, ENSO, ensonify, Ensor, ensorcel, ensorcell, ensorcellment, ensoul, ensphere, enspirit, enstatine, enstatite, enstrophe, enstrophy, ensue, ensuing, ensure, ensures, enswathe, enswathement, ENT, entablature, entablement, entacoustic, entad, entadae stem, entail, entailment, ental, entalacao, entallantoic, entame, entameba, entamniotic, entamoeba, entamoebiasis, entangle, entangled, entanglemant, entanglement, entasia, entasis, Entebbe, entelechy, entellus, entemple, entente, entente cordiale, entepicondyle, enter, enter a race, enter for, enter upon, enterable, enteraden, enteral, enteralgia, enteramine, enterate, enterclose, enterectomy, enterelcosis, enteremphraxis, enteric, enteric fever, entering, enteritidis, enteritis, entero-amylase, enteroanastomosis, enterobacterium, enterobactin, enterobiasis, enteroblast, enterocele, enterocentesis, enteroceptive, enteroceptor, enterochromaffin, enterocinetic, enterococcal, enterococcin, enterococcus, enterocoel, Enterocoela, enterocoele, enterocolitis, enterocolostomy, enteroconiosis, enterocrinin, enteroderm, enterodialysis, enterodynia, enteroenterostomy, entero-epiplocele, enterogastrone, enteroglucagon, enterogram, enterograph, enterohepatitis, enterohydrocele, enterohydrocoel, enteroid, enterokinase, enterokinesia, enterolith, enterolithic, enterologic, enterological, enterologist, enterology, enteromegalia, enteromycin, enteromycosis, enteromyiasis, enteron, enteroncus, enteroneuritis, enteroom, entero-oxyntin, enteroparalysis, enteropathogenesis, enteropathogenic, enteropathy, enteroproctia, enteroptosis, enteroquinol, enterorrhagia, enterorrhexis, enterosepsis, enteroseptol, enterosite, enterospasm, enterostomy, enterotomy, enterotoxemia, enterotoxigenic, enterotoxin, enterotoxism, enterotropic, enterotyphus, entero-vioforme, enterovirus, Enterozoa, Enterozoan, enterozoic, enterozoon, enter-point, enterprise, enterprise zone, enterpriser, enterprising, entertain, entertainer, entertaining, entertainment, entertainment center, entertainment industry, enteruria, entexite, enthalpimetric, enthalpimetry, enthalpy, enthanol, enthelioma, enthesis, enthetic, enthrakometer, enthral, enthrall, enthralling, enthrallment, enthralment, enthrone, enthroned, enthronement, enthronization, enthronize, enthuse, enthusiasm, enthusiast, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, enthymeme, entia, entice, enticement, enticing, entine, entire, entirely, entireness, entirety, entiris, entironment, Entisol, entitative, entitle, entitled, entitlement, entity, entizol, Entobakterin, entoblast, entobronchium, entobronchus, entocele, entochondrostosis, entochoroidea, entocondyle, entocone, entoconid, entocranial, entocranium, entocuneiform, entocyanoses, entocyte, entocythere, entoderm, entodorsum, ento-ectad, entoenzyme, entoflexid, entogastric, entogenous, entognathous, entoil, entoilment, entolecithal, entoleter, entoleting, entomb, entombed, entombment, entomere, entomesenchyme, entomesoblast, entomiasis, entomic, entomion, entomocecidum, entomochore, entomochory, entomodont, entomofauna, entomogamy, entomogenous, entomography, entomolite, entomologic, entomological, entomologist, entomologize, entomology, entomomycete, entomoparasitism, entomopathogen, entomophage, entomophagous, entomophagy, entomophila, entomophile, entomophilous, entomophily, entomophobia, entomophyte, entomophytic, entomophytous, entomoplily, entomopoxvirus, entomosis, entomosporae, entomostracan, entomotaxy, entomotomist, entomotomy, entomo-urochrome, entomurochrome, entomyiasis, entooecium, entoparasite, entophyte, entophytic, entopic, entoplasm, entoplastic, entoplastron, entoproct, entoptic, entoptoscope, entoptygma, entoretina, entorganism, entorrhagia, entospore, entosternal, entosternite, entosternum, entosthoblast, entostosis, entostroma, entostromata, entostylid, entotergum, entothorax, entotic, entotrophous, entoturbinal, entourage, entoutcas, entovarial, entozoa, entozoan, entozoic, entozoologist, entozoology, entozoon, entr'acte, entrails, entrain, entrainer, entraining, entrainment, entrammel, entrance, entrance examination, entrance fee, entrance hall, entrance requirement, entranceway, entrancing, entrant, entrants, entrap, entrapment, entreasure, entreat, entreatingly, entreaty, entrechat, entrecote, entree, entrée, entrees, entrefe, entremets, entrench, entrenched, entrenchment, entrenous, entrepot, entreprenant, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurship, entrepreneuse, entresol, entries, entripsis, entrohistosol, entromycin, entropion, entropy, entruck, entrucking, entrust, entrusted deposits, entry, entry word, entry-level, entryman, entryphone, entry-point, entryway, entwine, entwist, entypy, enucleate, enucleation, enucleator, enucleolation, Enugu, enula, E-number, enumerable, enumerably, enumerate, enumerated attributes, enumeration, enumerative, enumerator, enunciability, enunciable, enunciate, enunciation, enunciative, enunciator, enunciatory, enure, enuresis, enuretic, ENV, enveigle, enveil, envelop, envelope, envelopekiln, envelopment, envenom, envenomate, envenomation, envenomization, enviable, enviably, envied, envier, envionment,java, envious, enviously, environ, environal, environics, environment, environmental, environmental concerns, Environmental Protection Agency, environmental science, environmentalism, environmentalist, environmentalistic, environmentally, environmentaltoxicity, environmentaltransition, environment-friendly, environmentology, environmetrics, environs, envisage, envision, envoi, envoy, envoyer, envoyship, envy, enweave, enwheel, enwind, enwomb, enwrap, enwreathe, enwrite, enwrought, enyne, enynic, enysite, enzaprost, enzootic, enzooty, enzygotic, enzymatic, enzyme, enzyme-immunoassay, enzymes, enzymic, enzymology, enzymolysis, enzymopathy, enzymoprivic, enzymosis, enzymuria, EO, eoa, eoandeside, Eoanthropus, Eoanura, Eoarticulate, EOAU, EOB, eobasalt, eobiogenesis, eobiont, EOC, Eocambrian, Eocene, Eochoristites, eoclimax, Eocretaceous, Eocrinoidea, eocrystals, eocylosis, EOD, eodiscid, Eodiscus, EOE, EOEditor, EOF, EOG, Eogene, eogenetic, EOHC, eohippus,


3G, 401(K), a,



I don't discriminate when it comes to age.



When it comes to evading predators squirrels are honor students.



Plantagenets are as susceptible as housemaids when it comes to sex.


TED演讲(视频版) 2017年11月合集

It is the same when it comes to food ...



But when it comes to embryonic learning, birds could rule the roost.



When it comes to helping refugees, your experience renders your value 'beyond price'.

要说到帮助难民,你的经验可是" 无价之宝" 。


When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isn't biting her nails just yet.



When it comes to Pixar, Steve Jobs was really an accidental visionary.



Specifically, how poverty is worsened by gender disparities when it comes to time.



That's especially true when it comes to math.



When it comes to deciphering body language, norming is crucial.


科学60秒 听力 2013年5月合集

Especially when it comes to sports-related concussions.



Especially when it comes to his safety.



She's so incisive when it comes to deconstructing the middle class.


科学60秒 听力 2016年8月合集

At least when it comes to couples in couples counseling.



After all, remuneration is such a crucial factor when it comes to job hunting.



Zero self-discipline when it comes to these things.


科学60秒-科学美国人 2023年1月合集

At least when it comes to big feet.



Particularly when it comes to women.


生活大爆炸 第3季

And when it comes to applied physic... uh-oh. What's happening?




epitheliolysin, epitheliolysis, epitheliolytic, epithelioma, epitheliomatosis, epitheliomatous, epitheliosis, epitheliotoxin, epithelio-vaccinia, epithelisin,


3G, 401(K), a,
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